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Ways To Exercise Your Creativity Within A Franchise Business

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Franchise management is a time-tested and proven way to start your own business. The franchise provides systems, support, and help during every step of the process. A franchisee with an entrepreneurial spirit takes these tools and builds a successful local business from the ground up.

The model has worked for many years… and for good reason. An established franchise benefits from having a stable model of business and name recognition. The franchisee takes that cache and makes it their own, giving them instant credibility in their local community. It’s a win-win on a number of levels.

Here at 1Heart, we understand how to exercise this franchise model as well as anyone. Since 2003, we’ve been helping people like YOU realize their hopes and dreams, all while doing good within their community. We work closely with our franchisees to make sure they have all the support services they need to succeed.

One of the comments that we often hear about the franchise model at large is that the system can stifle creativity and customization. Franchise management often involves following a set of detailed, time-proven guidelines. Sometimes, franchisees (in many different industries) feel handcuffed and unable to express their individual creativity to their customers.

We understand this critique, yet we absolutely believe that you can exercise your creativity in a franchise, all while staying true to the legal obligations.

Here are several ideas that you can implement in your own business so your innovation can shine.

1. Customize Your Social Media Presence

Typically, you have more leeway in advertising, allowing that the franchisee follows certain brand directives. Yet, many local business owners find that social media is an excellent forum to showcase their individuality. By harnessing the power of platforms such as FacebookInstagram, and YouTube, you can find targeted ways of reaching your community while you exercise your franchise’s unique personality at the same time, all while addressing the nuances of your area.

You don’t need to have a large staff or a social media coordinator to dip your toe in the waters of social media. Companies such as Canva offer hundreds of free or low-cost templates that make it easy to create a perfectly sized and tailored social media post that reflects your franchise’s benefits.

Additionally, you may find that targeted ads yield results at a very low cost. In your franchise management materials, check to see if there are any relevant protocols to guide you in this endeavor.

2. Go Above and Beyond

No matter what industry you’re franchise is involved in, strong programs and pricing structures by themselves will not set you apart from other businesses in your community. One of the simplest ways to exercise your franchise’s creativity? Provide excellent customer service!

Don’t forget that happy customers are typically the result of equally happy employees. Create a culture of appreciation, where employees are rewarded for going above and beyond with anyone they contact in the name of your company. The franchise absolutely benefits from this positive environment with a personal touch, as employee retention will increase and customer satisfaction will rise as well.

3. Be Active in Your Community

Creative franchise management requires owners to find new and unique ways to engage with the community, even if it doesn’t initially net any customer growth. There’s something to be said for building a good name and goodwill in your local area, and exercising your franchise’s community involvement is an excellent way to imprint your unique perspective on your franchise.

Of course, your engagement will depend on the industry your franchise is involved in, but consider donating products to a local charity, participating in local civic events, or allowing employees to volunteer locally while on the clock. These small gestures make you a good neighbor, but they also will help further engage you in your community.

4. Encourage a Culture of Creativity Within Your Team

Did you know that some of America’s most culturally-relevant products came from franchisees? A prime example? The Big Mac was created by Jim Delligatti, a McDonald’s franchise owner in Uniontown, Pennsylvania in 1967. Now, over half a million of these sandwiches are sold every year. That’s exercising your franchise’s creativity at work!

Although some people find the franchise model to be confining, use it as a vessel for your ideas. Because certain tasks are handled by the franchise, it frees you to explore and create. Constantly look at the way you’re doing business and keep a close connection with your franchise headquarters. Your creativity may pay off for you… and the entire company!

Franchise Opportunities with 1Heart

franchise strategy meeting

Back in 2003, our founder and CEO Belina Calderon-Nernberg founded 1Heart to provide quality senior care for those who needed it most. Her passion has led to a proven model that provides excellent franchise management, including:

  • Professional accounting and staffing support
  • A dedicated franchise consulting agent
  • Assistance with branded promotional opportunities to exercise your franchise’s branding
  • Awareness of laws and regulations that could affect business
  • And much more…

By giving unparalleled service to franchisees, you’re allowing freedom to follow their entrepreneurial passions and dreams. Have questions about the benefits of franchise ownership? Speak to the welcoming team here at 1Heart or download your own free franchise kit to learn more.

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